======CBBS====== {{infobox> name = CBBS Area Code = 312 Number = 545-8086 Parameters = Location = Chicago, IL Sysop(s) = [[ward_christensen|Ward Christensen]],[[randy_suess|Randy Suess]] Theme = Message base Hardware = S-100, IBM PC Software = CBBS Storage = Years Active = 1978-199? }} Not much can be said here that isn't already elsewhere, but we'll start aggregating info as we find it. ===Boardwatch Letter=== [[ward_christensen|Ward]] wrote a letter to the editor of Boardwatch magazine. It was published in the [[https://archive.org/details/Boardwatch_7.5_MAY_1993/page/8/mode/2up|May 1993]] issue. {{:boardwatch_may93_wardc00.png?200|}} {{:boardwatch_may93_wardc01.png?200|}} {{tag>BBS}}