======Tips for editing the CCC Wiki====== ~~INTOC~~ =====Markup===== [[https://www.dokuwiki.org/wiki:syntax|The Dokuwiki syntax help page]] **Force a carriage return)**: Dokuwiki will separate lines if you use two carriage return in the markup code. If you use only one, it will print both lines on one. Use ''%%\\%%'' at the end of a line to force a . **Literal quoting**: to quote Wiki markup code (as in the *intoc* section below), use ''%%'' on either side of the code block to prevent Dokuwiki from intepreting the tag or macro. See also the [[https://www.dokuwiki.org/wiki:syntax#no_formatting|Wiki Syntax page "No Formatting"]]. Be sure to close your tags or the whole rest of the page will be raw Wiki code! =====Plugins===== ===intoc=== [[https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:intoc|Home Page]]\\ The Dokuwiki standard sidebar or infobox table of contents has been disabled in favor of the "intoc" plugin. Placing the macro ''%%~~INTOC~~%%'' anywhere in a page generates a ToC based on the content below the tag. Ideally it should be placed below the main page title. ===pagelist=== This plugin is required by the tag plugin and has options of its own.\\ [[https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:pagelist|Home page]] ===nspages=== [[https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:nspages|Home page]] ===tag=== [[https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:tag|Home page]] =====Namespaces===== ======Special Tags======