Appears to have been a local business (or individual) selling computer peripherals from a residence in Chicago.
From a 2/1/88 post to CBBS:
Msg 39198 is 15 line(s) on 02/01/88 from DOIS LOFTIS to ALL re: PERIPHERALS "PERIPHERALS AT GREAT PRICES" FREE POSTAGE & HANDLING *N #504-5.25"DS-DD disks (IBM):10 per box------------- $7.25 *N #505-5.25"SS_DD disks (APPLE):10 per box----------- $6.25 *N #506-3.5"SS_DD disks (MACINTOSH):10 per box------- $20.50 -feed 9.5"x11" 15# white bond paper:1500 sheets------ $19.90 -feed Peel & Stick labels,3.5"x1":Box of 1000--------- $4.75 IMA ELECTRONICS" Surge Suppressor:6 outlets--------- $27.85 "EPSON MH-80" Printer Ribbons (not re-inked)------------- $6.90 PLE IMAGEWRITER" Printer Ribbon (not re-inked)-------- $7.85 ck or moneyorder: THE * END-USER * NETWORK SUITE 1-E 1342 WEST GREENLEAF AVENUE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60626