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John Orwin's Retrocomputing Page
About me: I am a retired engineer (old-time) and worked for many years for GTE, AT&T, and Northrop Grumman. I didn't get a personal computer until 1986: Amiga 1000. I have been collecting hardware since the 90's and my current interests are:
- Amiga
- Sun early systems
- DEC PDP and VAX systems
- AT&T UNIX systems
What I like to do is find something old and obscure and bring it back to life, both hardware and software. Some projects which you may have seen at prior VCF shows include:
- My Amiga collection
- Symbolics LISP systems
- Apollo Domain workstations
- AT&T systems - 3B2 UNIX and 386-based
I am planning on off-loading a lot of my collection, so stay tuned for more information.
- John