The Chicago Classic Computing Wiki

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John Orwin's Retrocomputing Page

About me: I am a retired engineer (old-time) and worked for many years for GTE, AT&T, and Northrop Grumman. I didn't get a personal computer until 1986: Amiga 1000. I have been collecting hardware since the 90's and my current interests are:

  • Amiga
  • Sun early systems
  • DEC PDP and VAX systems
  • AT&T UNIX systems

I like to find something old and obscure and bring it back to life - both hardware and software. Some projects which you may have seen at prior VCF shows include:

  • My Amiga collection
  • Symbolics LISP systems
  • Apollo Domain workstations
  • AT&T systems - 3B2 UNIX and 386-based

I hope to use this Wiki to post documentation on my many projects, to help those to come. I'm too old-school to create YouTube videos, so everything will be text.

P.S I am planning on off-loading a lot of my collection, so stay tuned for more information.

- John
