The Chicago Classic Computing Wiki

Tips for editing the CCC Wiki


The Dokuwiki syntax help page

Force a carriage return): Dokuwiki will separate lines if you use two carriage return in the markup code. If you use only one, it will print both lines on one. Use \\ at the end of a line to force a <CR>.

Literal quoting: to quote Wiki markup code (as in the *intoc* section below), use %% on either side of the code block to prevent Dokuwiki from intepreting the tag or macro. See also the Wiki Syntax page "No Formatting". Be sure to close your tags or the whole rest of the page will be raw Wiki code!



Home Page

The Dokuwiki standard sidebar or infobox table of contents has been disabled in favor of the “intoc” plugin. Placing the macro ~~INTOC~~ anywhere in a page generates a ToC based on the content below the tag. Ideally it should be placed below the main page title.


This plugin is required by the tag plugin and has options of its own.
Home page




Special Tags
